Our Mission

A Safe Place in Troubled Times ♱ A Place Where Hope & Faith Collide


Thanks for visiting!

You will find a collection of my dreams, ponderings, and desires. Some of my posts run long and deep from seasons of having more questions than answers. Other posts are a few sentences where I simply notice birds singing or a gentle breeze. It’s not so much about the activity as much as, it’s about Being… together.

My desire is to offer a safe place in troubled times, a place where hope and faith collide. I am not a theologian. I am a lover of God and a lover of people. I write because it fuels my soul. I write especially with You in mind.

I wonder what brought you here today. Was it coincidence? Did a friend refer you? Are you looking for encouragement or a place to relax? Whatever the reason, I am glad you came. I invite you to grab a cozy blanket, fix your favorite cup of coffee or sweet tea, and lean back into a well-worn comfy chair. Sit with me a while.

If this ends up being the only thing you read, please remember this. There is someone who cares deeply for you. His name is Jesus, and there is absolutely nothing that can separate you from His love.

I dedicate this site to you, my Reader. You are in my heart and in my prayers.


p.s. I disabled the comment buttons, but I would still love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to drop an email or a simple comment through the contact link located at the header of the site. I hope to hear from you!