Hope Conversations

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A Beautiful Mess

It’s the side of me that relaxes in the presence of unconditional love.

Years ago, I half slept walked into the kitchen. I was awake, sort of, but not fully. And I looked like it. As you can imagine, I had pillow marks on the side of my face that had not been washed and I was in desperate need of moisturizer to smooth the forming wrinkles. I had brushed my teeth but that’s about it. I am especially grateful that I was wearing a robe even if I was in flannel pajamas.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice spoke across the room. Her Indoors. Wouldn’t you know it! Our English friends were staying in our home on vacation, and this one was wide awake from jet lag. Apparently, the term Her Indoors refers to the woman of the house who is totally a mess. Only people who live in the home see her this way.

Speed forward to a couple of hours later when we were headed to church. I walked back into the kitchen only this time I was more awake and definitely refreshed. Across the room came the familiar voice in similar but different words. Her Outdoors. I think you get what this term meant. It refers to the same woman of the house who has makeup, smooth hair and fresh clothes. People who live in the home see her this way, but so do acquaintances and strangers.

The older I get, the more this memory stands out. And the more endearing this term becomes… Her Indoors. It’s the side of me that few get to see. It’s messy and frazzled yet contented. It’s the side of me that is (mostly) not ashamed of my weaknesses. It’s the side of me that is okay with not appearing perfect. It’s the side of me that relaxes in the presence of unconditional love. It’s the side of me that writes in this moment with wet hair, no makeup, a tee shirt and sweats.

Before long I will speed forward to posting this on my blog. I will discover a captivating photo to attach. Then I will place it in a collection of other such memories and thoughts.

The older I get, the more I enjoy being Her Indoors.

The wiser I become, the more I realize that… even when I step outside and appear rather together, I carry beautiful flaws within. That, my friend, is contentment!

Thank you, Lord ♡