Hope Conversations

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An Invitation to Dance

An Offer from the Wind

Have you ever Needed to take a walk? That was me today.

I needed to clear my head from the questions that arise when loss knocks at the door. She was 63 and only days earlier discovered she had acute leukemia. Now she was gone. I had the assurance of knowing she wanted to go home with the Lord. I still grieve though… for her loved ones… and for what could have been. Mortality has a way of confronting us when we would rather be left alone.

So I walked. Then I stopped. I lifted my face into the sunshine and allowed it’s warmth to soak into my skin. I tuned out everything except the rustling leaves as they began to speak… You may not see The Wind, but you see its effects. I dared to look. There they were… Leaves responding to an unseen Presence.

So I walked. Then I stopped. There before me stood the most lovely tall grasses beckoning me closer. Come… let us talk. So I did… 

I overheard a silent conversation between the grasses and the Wind. It was not a conversation with words. This was one of invitation and response. An invitation to… Dance With the Wind. The grasses simply yielded. The Wind swirled and touched. The two moved together. I tell you… if ever there was holy silent music, it was there. In the quiet. In the sunshine. In the moment.

I breathed in fresh life that cannot be seen… yet it is always present. I breathed in the breath of God.

In my heart… The Wind began to talk… to me… Come closer. So I did…

And The Wind offered me the most wonderful invitation to dance. And so I did… I yielded… though outwardly I stood still. Inside… I moved with it’s unseen Presence. 

The Wind held my heart and lifted my soul… as I simply yielded to 

A Heavenly Invitation 

to Dance with The Wind