Hope Conversations

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Kindness at the CrossRoad

For the despairing one there should be kindness from their friend; so that they do not forsake the fear of the Almighty. Job 6:14

For the despairing one: There should be kindness.

Despair is a dark place. It is often a crossroad where choices are made. Will we continue or will we quit? Will we adjust? Will we become better rather than bitter?

For the despairing one who is fainting at this crossroad, Kindness can make all the difference.

Kindness could appear any number of ways; through listening to someone’s pain, extending a helping hand, or simply smiling across the room at the right moment.

Bottom line: Kindness cares.

For the despairing one, Kindness is a glimmer of light at the end of a dark tunnel. It is so powerful that it could anchor someone whose faith is tottering on the brink of hopelessness.

My prayer is that you will experience kindness from the heart of God and from others today. May it strengthen your hope and faith. And may this kindness that changes lives also flow from each of us to those around.

Kindness has the potential to change someone’s life. It certainly changed mine.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 NIV