Hope Conversations

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I will strike the match!

I have a confession to make. I love candles! I relish the imagery of; flickering lights illuminating the darkness, a dimly lit wick bursting into flame, and the orange glow signaling its goodbye before the fire extinguishes. That, however, is not my confession.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. (Such things ring through my head.) For though surrounded by candled scents of lavender, honey suckle, and lilacs, I seldom rise to strike a match. My delighting in aromas released by burning wicks are alive, primarily, in memories. Candles remain beautifully displayed. Seldom are they used.

Today, I see a candle staring at me across the room longing to glow. I ask myself? Why do I hesitate to strike the match? My heart responds. I want to hold onto memories with loved ones who gave each candle as a gift. I want to keep the candle preserved, as is.

Yet, each gift was given to be more. The gift was given so I could experientially illuminate my darkness. The gift was given so the dimly lit wick could burst into flames before my eyes. The gift was given so the orange glow could signal its goodbye as the flame extinguishes. All is beautiful. All is meant to be Lived.

I am faced with a choice. Will today be the same? Or will this be a New Beginning? Will I intentionally ignite the flames to release Heaven’s aroma?

Yes! My heart resounds. I will strike the match! Let darkness be illuminated! Let fragrance fill the room!

All is Beautiful. All is meant to be Lived… Today