Hope Conversations

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Glimpses of the Other Side

My hope & prayer is that you will have glimpses of the other side.

We often refer to Heaven as being the other side. It is, thank God! For those who have received his free gift of salvation, there awaits a place where time ceases and we are free to experience all the goodness of God in every way, shape, and form. The glimpses I pray for are similar but different.

Just as believers sometimes catch a glimpse of Heaven as they are transitioning out of their earth-suit into fathomless glory, even so the Lord desires for his people to have glimpses of the other side of problems, sorrows, and pain. He desires us to see through eyes of faith that are filled with living hope that rests in this. All that was meant for evil will indeed turn for good. Resurrection life will invade the darkness of death and loss. Therefore you will once again triumph with a shout of joy.

So dear friends, I pray for you this morning.

May you experience our Lord with glimpses of the other side of difficulty while yet this side of Heaven.

May you be filled with hope that overflows in such a way that you cannot help but rejoice ♡