Hope Conversations

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This is one of those stories that happened B.R. (Before Remotes).

I stood at the TV flipping channels and stopped when I saw Igor. I don’t remember his real name. He just looked like an Igor with massive arms, a burly beard with enough hair for several guys, and an out of the world intensity in his eyes. Like I said. Igor.

He and other such igors were doing ridiculous things things like pulling school buses and pushing a huge stone that looked more like an asteroid. The crazy part is that all the igors were able to move this stuff. Little did I know that I had landed on, The Strongest Man in the World Competition!

Igor got my attention in spite of me Not being a big fan of muscle ripped vein popping guys. (Sorry, Weight Lifters.) He had that fierce determined look that takes over when a man is on a mission. I can only imagine what was going through his mind as weight after weight was added to the bar he was about to lift. He could barely squeeze his hands between the weights as he worked to get a firm grip. Then, with the most awful guttural sounds, he lifted that weighted bar above his head! Even now I want to shout! Way to go, Igor! Wow!

This is where the story takes a turn. I wondered what it might have been like if I were the Camera Person filming the event? What if the person watching the television (the Viewer) had NO idea they had tuned into, The Strongest Man in the World Competition? Had I, as Camera Person, zoomed in on Igor’s head, all the television would have shown was Igor’s bulging neck, fire red face, and rugged beard drenched in sweat like he was standing in a thunderstorm. All the Viewer would have seen on the screen was Igor shaking uncontrollably as veins popped in places I did not know veins could pop. All they would have heard were terrible groans and moans I don’t have words for. Chances are, the Viewer might have wanted to call 911 to get help. At the very least, they probably would have considered Igor to be deeply disturbed or seriously ill.

Then I wondered what it might have been like if I, as Camera Person, pulled the camera view back to show a broader picture that included all of Igor and the whole competition room. The Viewer would still see Igor quaking profusely and hear him making terrifying sounds. But… they would also see the incredible weight he was carrying. Their opinion of him would likely change. I doubt they would see him as deeply disturbed. On the contrary, they would probably jump to their feet and cheer him on for who he really was, The Strongest Man in the World!

This story resonates because I am sometimes like Igor, sometimes like the Viewer, and sometimes like the Camera Person. And sometimes… I am all of them at the same time. Ha. I’m laughing with an ouch! We need an emoji for that 🤪

I relate to Igor because: I am well aware of pressures and weights of life that cause me to tremble, change colors, and blurt out awful inarticulate sounds. Thankfully I am also aware that trials of life might be bigger than me, but they are not bigger than God! I can count on the Lord to help carry the load. I can also count on the Lord to provide safe people to help in times of weighty distress. Even Igor had an entire team of coaches, trainers, and spotters, to name a few. I seriously doubt Igor would have won the title of, Strongest Man in the World, had he not had help along the way. It takes a strong person to admit they need help from God and from others. You and I I were never meant to do life alone. There is strength to be found in the everlasting arms of God, and there is strength to be found in safe community!

I relate to the Viewer because: What I see is only what I see. Probability is high, there is more going on in the story than what I see and hear at the time. I am not perfect at this by any means. It sure helps, though, to keep this in mind. I Don’t know it all! (hellllloooo) Maintaining an, I-don’t-know-it-all mindset, fosters curiosity to learn more about the story and not lean on my limited understanding. It helps me stay aware that God is present with wisdom to help.

I relate to the Camera Person because: I need to zoom closer by listening and giving attention to how challenges are impacting me or the person I am helping. I also need to pull the camera view back to see the bigger picture. Things appear differently when I take into account all the ins and outs. An honest assessment includes; weaknesses and strengths, failures and victories. The smallest detail matters in the context of the whole story.

These are but a few of the questions I ask when I am looking for God throughout this Storyline. Where is God with Igor in the struggle? Where is God with the Viewer who looks on, yet they only know part of the struggle? Where is God with the Camera Person who seeks to give a more accurate view or maybe unfortunately seeks to distort the truth by limiting the view?

Each of us is gazing at life through a different lens, even if it is the same Story being told. How I answer these thoughts today will likely be different than the way I answer them tomorrow. For tomorrow will bring it’s own set of challenges.

Regardless of changing times and dilemmas, we have this unshakable truth. God is a Good God. You can count on Him to be ever present with help and wisdom throughout the Story of Your Life! Igors and All!