Hope Conversations

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Confronted by Truth

If you really want God to get All the glory, why do you get upset when He uses someone else?

I was in my late teens or early twenties when confronted with the question above. To make matters worse (so to speak) the confrontation happened as I worshipped God alone with tears rolling off my face. I cried out, “Oh, God! I want you to get ALL the glory!” I thought the Lord would be awestruck by the fierce determination of such a noble prayer. It turns out, he was not exactly impressed. He was not mad. He just knew my heart better than I did. He accepted by heart cry and met me there... in truth

"If you really want me to get ALL the glory, why do you get upset when I use someone else?"

OUCH! It still hurts… in a good way. I understood.

I was truly on fire for the Lord. (Today's language would be that I was ALL IN!) I prophesied, prayed, danced, prayed, knelt, prayed, praised praised praised... and I meant it. There was something in my heart, however, that I had no idea was there; Hypocritical self seeking honor. It was not ALL bad, but it was not as noble as I thought.

Why did I feel rejected when God used someone else to prophesy or pray or praise with such power that the presence of God swept through the hearts of those in services? Somehow, I interpreted God's choice in those moments as meaning, Something must be right with them and wrong with me, or God would have used me instead.

It's a sneaky pitfall that lurks to grab ahold of anyone of us at anytime. The flesh is still the flesh no matter how spiritual you and I are.