Hope Conversations

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An Annoying Saturday Morning

How annoying. I am on my deck for my weekly anticipated Saturday morning delight of lingering long while swaying on my cushioned swing and drinking fresh coffee with half and half. I am still in pajamas and sweat shirt with no shoes! I want to feel the cold damp dew against the bottom of my feet. Somehow, it reminds me of life that settled as I slept and life that lingers as I awake. Philosophical? Sure. It is how I think, and I rather enjoy it.

How on earth is that annoying? It’s not. That comforts me. Here’s the deal. While still in darkness awaiting the dawn with only a few crickets playing music with their wings, man-made noise rudely interrupted my silence. A trash truck, of all things, squealed breaks and scraped and thudded down the street with bright beaming lights that pierced the darkness. It was Not a glorious piercing light. I was determined. I would not allow it to ruin my morning.

I turned my attention back to the Lord and to the quietness of the morning (after the trash truck was gone, of course.) My soul quieted until… a neighbor’s sprinkler system clicked on with its spraying sssshhhhhinggsss sounds that I do not know how else to imitate. Normally, such a sound is calming, but it is not calming when I am on a mission to seek God in the quietness of my heart on my only Saturday morning for this week. I was determined. I would not allow it to ruin my morning.

Lest you become annoyed by all my annoyances that annoyingly increase as I am still on my deck writing, I will sum up the rest. Airplanes soared overhead awakening the dawn before the dawn awoke. Cars that ought to be parked in sleepy driveways, rumble and race down the road. (Sorry. I am still annoyed.) Another neighbor’s man-made waterfall, that typically soothes my soul, is only adding to the reality of man-made noise colliding in a conspiracy to silence my silence. I was, and am, determined. I would not, and will not, allow it to ruin my morning.

No way! The sprinkler system literally just stopped sprinkling. Thank you, Lord. However… where was God in the noise? In the trash truck? In the airplanes? In the cars? in the man-made waterfall? I wait… I begin to thank him for the trash truck and people who get up early to collect my stinky rotten garbage. I thank him for the neighbor’s sprinkler system that waters dry weary land. I thank him for airplanes that carry people safely from one destination to another, and airplanes that have carried me as well. I thank him for cars that allow me to travel back and forth to work and even across country if I so desire. I thank him for a neighbor who invested in a man-made waterfall, and I I get to enjoy its bubbling sounds.

I thank him for my repetitive thank you notes that became louder than the annoying annoyances that are no longer annoying because… The Lord met me in silence that stilled the man-made noise through the sounds of my grateful heart.

Lesson learned!

Happy Saturday 🤗