Hope Conversations

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shared trouble

The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison with no way of escape. In this context, he talks about the secret of contentment. The secret was not based on circumstances that fluctuate. He was content in times of scarcity and content in times of abundance. He was content in times of difficulty and content in times of ease. Why? He had learned how to allow Christ to strengthen him.  Yet! This discussion brought Paul to our key verse for the day. It was kind of you to share my trouble. Though Paul was ultimately fulfilled and content in the Lord, it was kindness from others that provided grateful relief to his soul. Was Christ more than enough? Yes. Absolutely. Did he still receive help from people? Yes. Absolutely. He needed Christ & He needed people.

Dear Reader, let’s take it a step further. We too can learn the secret of contentment as we allow Christ to strengthen us. We need Him. Yet, we are also designed to need people. Being strong in the strength of the Lord does not undo our need for others. They are meant to compliment each other.

May this same hope in Christ strengthen your heart and bring you deep abiding contentment. May you give and receive the gift of sharing in your neighbors troubles. Your kindness will touch their heart. It will even touch the heart of God!