Hope Conversations

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The Unfolding Story

What are you talking about?

What an odd question from Jesus since He already knew the answer. No wonder the people on the Road to Emmaus stopped in their tracks. How on Earth could anyone in Jerusalem not know what happened?

And so they talked. And so He listened. He didn’t interrupt. He actually asked a question and waited long enough to hear their responses as they talked about

Destroyed hope
Death and sorrow

and rumors
of angels visiting
and of Hope yet alive

their Hope, Jesus, had been crucified and buried
Yet His body was gone
Out of the tomb

Jesus walked with them throughout the telling of their Story
the Story He knew
the Story He lived
the Story that was unfolding before their very eyes

they did not know
they did not recognize His Presence among them

Still… He was there

Jesus responded
He spoke freely about suffering
He did not gloss over it
He acknowledged the pain He went through

The One Who Suffered
now appeared
and opened their eyes
in the Breaking of The Bread

He opened their blinded eyes
to see Him alive
Still present
Still walking
Still listening
Still caring

And then, just like that
He disappeared

From Luke 24:13-35