Hope Conversations

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What’s that I hear?

We heard the rumors! Everything about the restaurant sounded amazingly delicious and affordable! That’s hard to beat, so off we went. We arrived and something happened.

Music happened.

We stepped inside the crowded room filled with laughter and loud talking as the smell of gourmet burgers and fries filled the air. (I said it was delicious And affordable 🙂) That was all anticipated. The next part undid me before we ever sat down.

Music happened. Don’t get me wrong. I rather enjoy most genres except for heavy metal. I cannot remember if the music blasting out of the speakers was country, bluegrass, pop, or soft rock. I can tell you this. It irritated the heck out of me. I expected the atmosphere to be charged with boisterous conversations. I did not expect annoying music to overpower the moment.

We ended up going to another place where the reputation for food was not nearly as good, but we knew first hand it was restful. Again, I cannot remember what type of music played overhead. It was enjoyable though.

These thoughts oddly collide as I meditate on today’s Scripture.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Mind you, I cannot read Hebrew. I do thankfully have access to Bible Hub’s Interlinear.

The word meditation in Psalm 19:14 means resounding music.

Let the words of my mouth and the resounding music of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14

I am rather sure our Lord enjoys diversity of music or He would not have uniquely created each of us. Again, it’s not about whether we prefer country, bluegrass, pop, soft rock, or maybe even heavy metal. What does matter is this.

Let the words of my mouth - and the resounding music of my heart - be acceptable in God’s sight.

Rather than trying to expound through teaching (I am not a teacher), I will offer a few questions to consider.

What does the resounding music in your heart sound like today?

How is it - or is it not - pleasing to the Lord?

What kind of song is the Lord singing back to you?

(Here is the link for Bible Hub that I referred to. Simply click on the numbers above the word, meditation. It will bring you to a study of that word.) https://biblehub.com/interlinear/psalms/19-14.htm