Hope Conversations

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Counting Toilet Paper

(A reflection during Covid)

Here is my feeble attempt to make sense out of something that does not make sense; The stockpiling of toilet paper due to Coronavirus. For the record, I have 24 rolls in my house. Not that I counted or anything.

Toilet paper counting is my symptom. Lest you immediately diagnose me OCD, you might want to reconsider. Take a look at my messy closet and drawers and you will see that I am Not OCD. Sooo. Why Me?

Why would I have this symptom that seems to have spread throughout our culture? What is it about the adrenaline rush of finding the last roll of toilet paper on an empty store shelf? Though I would never Ever attempt to roll up (no pun intended) a pat answer, I cannot help but wonder. So I do.

Could it be, perhaps, that our most basic needs get threatened in times like this? Our needs for survival, for daily living, for being able to… make it?

Thus the questions? Thus the searching for answers? Thus the panic amidst the… Whys?

Maybe it does make sense after all? Maybe not?

Maybe… just maybe… it’s why I felt sorry for Elaine on the Seinfeld episode when she had no toilet paper in her stall. Then I felt mad at the lady in the next stall who refused to share. Maybe, just maybe, it’s why I just laughed out loud as I wrote because.. I get it. Not exactly. But sort of

Maybe… just maybe… it’s a great time to reach under the stall to share a little bit of what we have with those who don’t.

That’s all… 

But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

1 John 3:17 NIV