A Letter to My Silent Friend on Roe vs Wade

You have been on my heart all morning. I remember your tears and agony of soul, as you gripped your chest in hopes to still the bitter pain from years ago. You could not. Comfort went skin deep. You could not undo the piercing regret now covered by a scar.

Years ago you were one of "Those People." You had an abortion. Only a few know your darkest secret. I want you to know that I remember. Jesus remembers. We both care for you, and you are ever in our prayers.

You and I stand together now as Pro Life... for all. We stand together now as Sisters in the Lord who are grateful for the overturning of Roe vs Wade. We stand together now... remembering how you chose the only option your mind could wrap around at the time.

Shouts of "If Only" mock you day and night. We both wish you could change that moment. that god awful day. when you could not get up off the table. for the procedure had begun.

I am so sorry

For your loss

Only Heaven knows how deep this death goes.

Heaven also knows how your baby lives

Eager to be held in your arms and cradled in your love.

Please remember, Dear Friend. You are forgiven.

You are loved.

You will see your baby again.

Thank you for trusting me,



Oh… A Mega Church


Glimpses of the Other Side