A New Chapter Begins

I do not typically share thoughts from my journal. It is too holy and personal. I especially do not do so the actual day of my writing. I like to process and ponder and look back and behold the fingerprints of God that touched the pages while I remained, for the most part, unaware. Yet. Trusting. That he was indeed present the whole time.

His invisible hand is not always detected in ways my mind can grasp. So. I wait. Later, I revisit my writings and celebrate the joy of unveiling divine plans and purposes that unravel before my eyes. I begin to perceive his continual presence woven throughout the Story of my life. He is so very good. I am so deeply grateful.

Today is different. I am going to share what I wrote in my journal this morning. I do so as a place holder to mark a significant day in my world. My old journal is full as I wrote this last entry. My new journal awaits to be filled with new life in the days ahead. It is likely hard to understand the significance unless you are also someone who has written in a particular journal over the course of time. It becomes… a part of you.

I share to honor God who has been with me every step of the way. I share to honor my heart that has walked with God throughout it all. I share to honor the Story of my life that has the Fingerprints of God embedded throughout.

I tenderly invite you into a glimpse of my early morning thoughts on this bitterly cold icy morning of January 31, 2023 as…

The Sunrise of My Soul

announces new life.

I turn the page of this chapter

not knowing what lies ahead.

I do know, however,

who waits for me


My Beloved

waits for me.

My Lord

waits for me.

My all in all

waits for me.

My everything

waits for me.

He is there.

I join him

in the waiting

right here,

right now,

moving forward

to where

we go


Shalom. Shalom.

One page turns.

A new chapter begins.




Seeing the Invisible


The Smile of Sister Mary Margaret McKenzie