Quiet During Covid

Photo taken by Mary Meirink at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center 2020

Meet my friend, Rebecca, who was in a (sort of) quiet moment during Covid when life was anything but quiet. It was hard. Really hard. Yet true to who Rebecca is, she kept bringing sunshine everywhere she went. It's just how God wired her. Nonetheless, Covid was Covid. The fallout was difficult.

That's when the moment in the photo above happened. We went on a one day retreat complete with social distancing and masks but, at least we got to be together. We also got time to be alone and refreshed from the business of life. Rebecca chose to go to the labryinth where she stood... for a longggg time. Having known Rebecca for almost 40 years, I totally get this is not her norm. She is full of life and joy and cannot help but spread it. So I waited...

Rebecca shared later how challenging this moment was - to Be.Still. Her mind raced and she wanted to Do.Something. It was not especially peaceful in spite of birds singing, a breeze blowing, and sunshine on her shoulders. On the contrary, it was an internal struggle with loads of have to... need to... ought to.

The stillness of the moment was indeed still. But it was a different kind of stillness that oftentimes comes when we finally stop. and listen. and just be. If we wait long enough, we will come to a place of rest. But rest often comes through a great unwinding of chaos that eventually settles. Then we settle.

I share this moment because it portrays an inner journey that often accompanies this verse.

"Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7

When it comes to being still, it is good to get away to listen to birds while lifting your face into the sunshine. It also good to just let the moment be whatever it is... to let the chaos unravel... and to have a talk with your soul.

"Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7


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