Hope Conversations

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A Morning to Remember

Saturday, September 2, 2023 Labor Day Weekend

It is Saturday and I had no plans. Imagine that! I slept until 5:40AM and was outside by 6AM sipping fresh coffee from the biggest cup I could find. My bare feet woke up when I stepped onto the cold damp dew that covered our wooden deck. (Yes. It turns out, feet can wake up 🙂). It was wonderful! It seemed Autumn came a few weeks early with crisp air, perfect for my comfy oversized black sweatshirt.

I prayed quietly while soaking in the early morning light. I normally love clouds, but this morning was unique as only silence hovered above. There were no clouds. Instead, a vast calm sea of blue sky stretched across as far as I could see. The sky said nothing in particular. It was content to simply be. It was pleasant to my soul.

I proceeded to pray heart prayers… the kind of prayers I cannot record here. They are so deep and wide that only heaven’s ears could hear and understand the depth and width from which I speak. Like I said, I prayed heart prayers.

I do not know how long I sat on that cushioned swing swaying back and forth on my deck, as the morning breeze wrapped me in comfort. I do know my heart prayers entered heaven’s ears and heaven’s heart. My heart said all it needed to say.

I can barely utter what happened next. I opened my eyes and right there, about twelve inches from my nose, flitted a humming bird who seemed to be studying me… Without thinking, I said, Well! Good morning! How are you doing today? She kept flitting nose to nose with me - except her nose was more like a one inch purple sword, but her sword was not scary. Her eyes were itty bitty, except in context of the size of her body, they could be compared to the size of saucers - chocolate colored saucers. I know because she kept staring at me, and I kept staring back. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. She had blue feathers but I was mostly aware of her nose/beak and eyes, since that was right in front of my nose and eyes. She eventually flitted away, and I am rather sure she turned her head while leaving as if to say; Have a good day. Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

I almost did not share this moment because it is holy and dear to my heart. I obviously decided to go ahead and record it. Guess what happened next?! I got my computer and sat on my cushioned swing to write. Swaying back and forth, I began putting words to the unwordable expressions of my heart. I noticed a large shadow moving across my deck so I looked up towards the sky. It was not the shadow of my friend, the humming bird. It was, however, the shadow of the biggest bald eagle flying closely and directly overhead… circling… around and around… overhead… staying nearby… soaring on the same breeze… that comforts my heart in times of prayer… and throughout my day.
