Ash Wednesday 2022

What in the world is Ash Wednesday? For one thing, it happens to be Today, March 2, 2022. You'll see me running around with ashes on my forehead. You'll even find me ministering the Imposition of Ashes during two services where I serve as an Associate Chaplain at Friendship Village.

I still have not answered my own question. What in the world is Ash Wednesday? Besides being the day that Chick Filet starts serving fish sandwiches in St. Louis, it also is the first day of Lent. That's a common word that a lot of us really don't understand, so I will share a few thoughts of what it means to me.

Lent is basically a 40 day journey with our Lord in remembrance and fellowship with Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness. We, too, lay aside temptations that seek to harden our heart through the deceitfulness of sin.

It thankfully does not stop there. The reason we lay aside certain natural pleasures is to help us make room for more of God's presence to be activated in our lives.

I'll be giving up one basic thing to help me be more mindful of the Lord over these next 40 days. I am giving up my right to... not write. There are things in my heart that I believe I am called to in this area. I will give up my right to "repent tomorrow." I'll be opening the door for more of God's will by intentionally turning towards Him in obedience, even if it is only writing a few sentences in my journal.

There will likely be days that I falter. Nonetheless, this is where I put my stake in the ground.... that along with St. Louis Fish Fries and Chick Filet fish sandwiches... that are only served during Lent.

Happy Ash Wednesday ✝︎ Mary


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Prayer in rumors of war