Behold the Dreamer

At one amazing perplexing point in time… he remembered

The fact that Joseph remembered his dreams implies, to me, that He had forgotten them. Perhaps the dreams were lost in memory through trauma. Perhaps he shoved them away in anger. Perhaps they slowly vanished amidst the sea of sorrow upon sorrow. I don’t know exactly how he forgot the dreams because the Bible does not say. It does clearly state, however, that at one amazing perplexing point in time,

Joseph remembered his dreams. Genesis 42:9

Imagine that! Joseph forgot. Yet the dreams still came to pass.

Joseph did not spend his life strategizing towards one magical moment. He spent his life endeavoring to honor God in spite of horrific challenges. The Lord God honored Joseph and caused him to prosper in the land of his affliction. Regardless of the difficulty, Joseph grew stronger and stronger. He kept bouncing back, for God was with him. 

Let’s follow Joseph’s example as we honor the Lord in every day life no matter how difficult or unfair it gets. I am convinced that the Lord will get us where we need to be when we need to be there.

Keep walking with the Dream Giver! Your dreams can still come to pass.


shared trouble


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