
Breathe: To let air in and let air out. (Cambridge Dictionary)

I have this idea that if I hold my breath in tense moments, I can hold my moment together. And I do. That’s the problem. I hold it all in; Emotionally and Physically

Eventually I become aware. Then on purpose I… Let go. I do self-talk. Okay, Mary. Good air in. Bad air out. Good stuff in. Bad stuff out. It oddly actually helps.

This is sort of what Lent means to me. I let go of the negative in order to make room for the positive.

I am reminded of Genesis 2 when God breathed into Adam the Breath of Life. Adam was yet dust when God stepped in and Breathed Life. It changed everything.

Today I receive the Breath of Heaven into my dust, my ashes, my humanity. Then I let go. Not once. Not twice. But throughout my day…

That changes everything

The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the Breath of Life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7


I Did Not Want to Pray


Me ✻ A Humming Bird ✻ And A Red Jacket