Colors Filled My Morning


The Lord answered by sending winged creatures to form a harmony of beauty for my soul.

Good morning! The coolest thing just happened.  I wish I could show you pictures but I did not have my camera. So… I paused my prayer time to jot this down. Now I will be able to read this in the days to come and remember how sweet it was. Thank you, Lord.

Here I am, still on my front porch for early morning prayer. I am wrapped in my worn out fluffy red robe. (Don’t offer to buy me another one. It’s worn out because I like it. Ha.) Anyway… I am rambling. And that’s okay. My coffee is still hot in the cup. (That’s important because it shows you how quickly I moved to preserve this happening.) The sun is rising and one set of footsteps moves down the road for exercise before the heat of day arrives. Other than that, the quietness is filled with… a very full stillness. I don’t know how to put words to it.

Here I am minding my own business when three visitors appeared, literally, all at the same time. There they were ten to twenty feet away. It’s as if they all had a meeting and said… Hey! Let’s go visit that lady on her front porch. And they did!

In one swooping moment the three settled into my stillness… a red bird, a yellow finch, and a blueish purple humming bird. Oh… my… goodness. Colors filled my morning. What a welcomed surprise!

Here I was talking to the Lord and asking for help in a certain area. Say what you want, but I am rather sure some of how He answered was by sending winged creatures to form a harmony of beauty for my soul. One of them at a time would have been wonderful. But to have all three swoop in together… and linger… and watch me… together… well… I am on overload! Goodness overload!

That’s all ♡ Have a lovely day!


The One Who Understands


Even When the Air Seems Still