Connection in Tumultuous Times
I am honored to serve with a team of women from different churches. We facilitate retreats and call our group, Selah Journeys. With the increase of turbulence in the world, I thought it important to reiterate to Selah our purpose and dream of building bridges of Connection. This post contains a letter I wrote for those involved. I decided to add it to my personal website because it gives a glimpse into my heart and how I see myself serving those around. Blessings to you and yours, Mary
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Things are getting wild in the political climate. Where does Selah fit as a group?
From our beginnings in September 2019, I knew one thing. The primary vehicle of healing in our ministry would be Connection. It was Connection before Covid, Connection during Covid, and Connection after Covid. I dare say, It is now Connection during tumultuous times of political unrest. Connection remains the word of healing that stands out in my heart.
This practically plays out in our gatherings where women from different churches, dissimilar walks of life, and varying political perspectives... somehow… by God's grace... come together in the name of Christ. We lift up Jesus, and we lift up one another. I have never heard trash talk about anyone or anything in our times together. We are intentional in our purpose to facilitate healing through Connection with God, Self, and Others.
We are not ignorant to the fact that people have strong convictions that are often opposite of others in the room. Nonetheless, our gatherings remain a safe place to rest from the battles of life. We simply join together in the love of God as Sisters in the Lord. We remain one Family even when we disagree.
Our particular mission is not politically minded. I understand there is a place for that. Selah, however, is more like a Medical Tent. Let me explain.
My oldest brother served as a Med Tech in Vietnam. Regardless if someone was a friend or foe, if they were injured and came to the Medical Tent for help, they got helped. People were seen as people. Period. The Medical Tent was a Safe Zone in the midst of surrounding battles.
Wherever you are in your journey, we welcome you. We are unashamedly Christ Centered as we gather at the Cross.
May Jesus be lifted up in the days ahead.
May people know that we are His disciples, because we have love one for another!
Shalom, Selah........