
I am on my deck as the sun rises through the trees. Her orange fades into a glistening white so bright, I cannot stare for long. Soon, she will take her stand higher in the sky. I will remember our meeting here.

With a sip of coffee and pen in hand, I proceed to write a special writing to commemorate the beginning of our retreat day May 19, 2023.

🦅 ✍︎ 🦅 ✍︎ 🦅

There has been a long pause sense I wrote the last sentence. No words on paper came. Instead, my mind drifted to thoughts that floated every which way. “I need to.” “What’s it going to be like.” “Why?” They were not bad thoughts. They were just… thoughts. I was caught up. In a good way. The thoughts had been rolling around inside the whole time. They just needed me to acknowledge them so I could let them go.

I will call these thoughts, Drifters. For they drifted by one by one, while others drifted by together.

Eventually, my soul became present in a different way.

I heard a song bird’s harmony in the movement of my soul. She was not bothered by the Drifters who had my attention more than her. Rather than wrestling, she chose to listen, to relax, to pay attention, and to join in their melody.

Her patience quieted the Drifters who were content to relax their grip and let go. (And least for now. Ha!)

Even so, my soul has calmed.

Even so, I begin my Selah Journey.

Be still, my soul. Relax your grip. And know that He is God.


Beautiful Birthday-Eve Reflections


The place of brimming over