Got Idols?

Not everything is idolatry, but anything can be idolatry. It's not about what we do or do not do. It's about the heart.

When I revel in the applause of people and close my ears to the groaning of Heaven... there might be idolatry

When I refuse to admit I am wrong, and I know inside I am wrong... there might be idolatry

When I center my life on appearing spiritual rather than sowing to the spirit... there might be idolatry

When I allow a church or group to hold more sway in my decisions than the counsel of God... there might be idolatry

When I hate my brothers and sisters in the name of Christ... there might be idolatry

When I crave ministry and being used by God more than I yearn for God Himself... there might be idolatry

When I dance around a golden calf of my own making and call it true worship... there might be idolatry

When I am focused on the speck in someone else's eye and ignore the log in mine... there might be idolatry

When I am the center of my universe... there might be idolatry

When I hear beggarly cries of one crying out for mercy, and I tell them to stop bothering the Master... there might be idolatry

When I live to please people over pleasing God... there might be idolatry

When I am unteachable and do not "need" others, because I am good with just me and God... there might be idolatry

When I judge someone by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, or the house they live in… there might be idolatry

When I scrub and shine the outside of my cup and leave the inside filthy... there might be idolatry

Not everything is idolatry, but anything can be idolatry. It's not about what we do or do not do. It's about the heart.


Confronted by Truth


My Resting Place