Hope is

Hope in God is not fantasy.

I used to think that hope was like a white knuckled grip onto a flimsy branch while I dangled over the edge of a cliff. My goal was to hold on in faith as long as possible without crashing to the ground. I do not see it this way anymore.

I now see hope in God as the iron clad thread that seems small and insignificant, yet I am fortified in its strength. Hope in God holds me steady and keeps me securely anchored when it feels as though I am flailing mid air.

Hope, to me, is holding hands with God. It is His grasp that has ahold of my hands when I do not have enough strength to keep holding on.

Hope is honest. Hope is tenacious. Hope is tender. Hope is real.

Hope trusts that God's heart is good when life does not make sense.

Hope dares to believe that the Lord is wise and compassionate when things do not turn out as "hoped."

Hope in God is not so much about what I want. Hope is more about Who I want.

Hope is trusting that... no matter what... all will work together for good... because...

My hope is in God.

"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Psalm 43:5


Song Bird


Freed from Debtor’s Prison