Hope’s Necessary Ingredient

I discovered in the school of hard knocks necessary ingredients that empower me to settle into hope which comes from the heart of God. Without certain ingredients, hope is a false drudgery that leads to disappointment. One of these ingredients is the importance of bringing my concerns honestly to God and resisting the urge to impress Him with pretended faith. I have found that when I truly cast my cares upon Him, my heart begins to calm. In this holy place of faith without a mask, my Lord meets me right there. He settles into my worries, sorrows, failures, and disillusioned expectations. I find myself breathing easier and lighter from the burdens that I began with. Hope is not a quick fix. It is an abiding place of allowing God's comfort to fill my heart in difficult times. It is the place of eternity - where what was - is no more - what is coming - appears invisible - and the two join together within my heart in the presence of God. My soul is anchored. My hope is secure because, no matter what, I am never alone. My Lord is with me always... even unto the end of the world.


Hope’s Defiant Laugh


Faded & Falling Apart