Hidden Treasure

I was fully determined to leave all my clothes behind if need be to fill my suitcase with rocks! Not rubies or diamonds or pearls (although, they are rather cool. I suppose.) I’m talking about rocks from Madeline Island, a small tourist town in Wisconsin. Our family vacationed there a few times out of the graciousness of friends who opened their home with its own private beachfront. I could go on and on about the place, but I’m not here to talk about the place. I’m here to give tribute to God who is so brilliant, creative, and caring that he adds intricate details to often overlooked places.

My heart and chest are literally warming up as I write. I don’t know how to describe the sense of awe. No street lights contaminated the moment. Only countless stars and moonlight rays lay on top the crystal clear icy waters. It’s like they spoke to one another. Light shone in the darkness regardless of how dark. Star reflections danced above the rippling waves. Treasures of red, green, blue, purple, speckled, and striped ordinary rocks hid safely and securely beneath the surface. The moon, stars, rocks, and waves all admired and enjoyed each other’s company. And me? I was also present. Right There. withmyLord. Ahhhh… under the lights reflecting off the waters. with rocks beneath my feet. and rocks as far as my eyes could see.

When you come to my home, you will see some of those rocks scattered throughout, but I hope you see a whole lot more. I hope you see, by faith, the light in your darkness. the security of being hidden yet within Heaven’s sight. the colors and designs of all your ins and outs. And most of all, I hope with all my heart, that you will see the brilliance and tender care of God who made You much more a treasure than any earthly gift.

Mary ♡

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
— Psalm 8:3-5


