Invisible Ink for Tired Faith

Do not judge me. I had faith. My faith was tired.

There are times in life when I know God is surely up to something, but I cannot figure out what. That’s when I wish I had a heavenly detective kit like I did when I was a kid. It came equipped with a fingerprint ink pad, fingerprint powder, brush, magnifying glass, rearview mirror spy glasses. Best of all was my special pen with invisible ink. ✏️ All I had to do was write with my invisible ink and apply a bit of water with a paint brush. Voila! Writing would appear.

I remember one time in particular. I had been agonizing in a harsh fight of faith. It was a good fight, but it was still a fight. Even if it Was in the Arena of Faith! Had you been with me then, you might have seen me pacing the floors and quoting this Scripture.

In hope against hope Abraham believed. Romans 4:18

I had hope. Against hope. Against hope. Against hope… like dominos in a never ending line. I knew things would eventually turn around for good, but I was getting impatient and discouraged. Do not judge me. I had faith. My faith was tired.

I cannot tell you the exact date when God gave me fresh strength to keep standing. I can tell you the illustration I received in prayer. It got up in my soul and anchored me. You can probably guess what the illustration was from the title of this post.  He had been writing with invisible ink the whole time.

I began to look for fingerprints and clues from Heaven’s workings. I began to notice small answers to prayers lined up like dominos. I had been so busy waiting for the dominos to fall in one big swoop that I was missing what God was doing each step of the journey. Not only had my hopes been lined up one upon another, so had the goodness of God been lined up one upon another.

How do you explain a peace that literally passes understanding? How about a loved one who is excited because a random stranger ministered to them in a coffee shop? What about that Indescribable. Singular. Thread of Hope that appears flimsy but is actually an iron clad grip? It keeps you steady when the rug has been pulled out from under your feet.

I remember what it’s like to endure such times.

How about you? Are you struggling because you need to see God’s invisible ink become visible? Hold tight. The Author & Finisher of your faith is a Good God. He is surely working all things together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Lord, please help whoever is reading this now. I ask you to strengthen them. I ask you to fill them with hope that anchors their soul. I ask you, Lord, to help them notice clues from Heaven that reveal your presence when all they see is invisible ink.

We trust you, Lord. Because you are good. We trust you.



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