Hope Conversations

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A Religious Leader Gave Up Hope

His faith impacted the world. yet…

He was a well known religious leader whose faith impacted the world. Yet, he openly acknowledged that he had given up all hope of being saved.

I was tempted to point my finger. Cookie cutter advice rushed through my mind. “Surely you did not mean you gave up hope? You know God.” I almost leaned back into my chair with raised eyebrow and squinted eyes as I analyzed his words. Instead, I decided to imagine myself in his shoes. Would I have done as well given the same situation?

What was it like to be forced onto a boat headed for Italy? How did people react when they heard chains clanging from his feet as he walked past in prison clothes? Did they jeer? Snarl? Did they whisk their children away to safety? Did his loved ones weep?

Somehow he knew the voyage would be disastrous and it would cause great loss. He warned everyone to go a different route, but they refused to listen. Majority ruled against him. Before long, hurricane winds grabbed the boat and threw it off course. Though he knew and loved God, he still encountered dangerous, difficult, violent battering with great fear during this part of his journey. In fact, it was literally so dark he could not see the sun or stars for a long time. In his words, “The storm continued raging. We finally gave up all hope of being saved.”

Who was this man? He was none other than the Apostle Paul who tells this account in the Book of Acts Chapter 27. His story continues as Heaven intervenes. In spite of challenge upon challenge, many lives were saved and the purposes of God were fulfilled. He ended up bearing so much fruit in life that we are still being helped thousands of years later.

Friend, perhaps you are also battered from long seasons of darkness and difficulty? Perhaps the storm has continually raged to the point that you have given up hope? Though my story is not your story, I’ve been through such times as well. I can testify to this. Dark seasons do not have to mean a dark future.

I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Please consider praying this with me…

Lord, I invite You into my darkness and pain. I confess that I’ve lost some hope. In spite of that, I choose to lean into Your caring heart. Forgive me for entertaining thoughts that You intend harm towards me. Deep inside, I do believe You have plans to prosper me and to give me hope and a future. I might not know what those plans are, but surely they are good, and surely You know what those plans are. I choose to put my trust in You, Lord. Anchor my soul with hope that comes from you. Amen