Lessons from 2020

If I boil down all my non-stop pondering regarding Lessons Learned from 2020, it gets reduced to one word. Center. Yep. That’s my word for 2020.

Center… when people take extreme opposite views. Somewhere in the middle is probably more correct.

Center… when the world changes overnight. For me, the Lord is my Constant.

Center… when you cannot do what you used to do. Ask yourself, What can I do?

Center… when faith gets shattered. What is your unshakable truth that stands when all else fails?

Center… when choices are diminished. Focus on your response and not your reaction.

Center… when ease of life is interrupted. Reassess priorities and purpose. What really matters in life?

That’s all… I’ll go relax now with my family. That centers me!

So long 2020. I’m grateful to have known you!

Thank you, Lord, for being with me every step of the way!


Heart of A King


In the Arms of A Miracle