Mocked by Hope’s Invitation

I used to hate Hope. Okay, maybe hate is too strong. I was, at the least, perpetually angry, miffed, and upset as I turned my back to her disappointing pleas. "Hope for the best.”, was just another phrase for, "Wait until the other shoe drops." Something was surely around the corner to spoil whatever goodness dared to appear. I used to hear an irritating mocking voice in Hope. Now I hear Hope's voice as strong, clear, and beautiful. It was an enduring process, though, of putting one foot in front of the other day after day when it seemed easier to quit.

I started thinking about this at church yesterday when the pastor touched on the scripture, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 That was one of the verses I used to quote often. (Not the desire fulfilled part. Just the, Hope deferred makes the heart sick... part.)

I know better than anyone (except the Lord) what a journey this has been since I started walking with Christ in October 1976. I bring this up because it is good to remember how far I have come. There is a reason why Hope is a big deal to me. The idea that Hope can make a heart sick is now like a mere echo, but it does still echo in my story... a beautiful holy story wherein I am deeply grateful!

I have much I could say, but today, I want to encourage those who feel mocked by Hope's Invitation. I want to join you in this moment as you read these words. I want to sit with you... and remember with you... the depths of how sick a heart feels when Hope has been deferred. I want, most of all, to invite you to sit in the here and now, as you offer your disappointment honestly to the Lord. He won't strike you down with lightning. I promise. I've done this a lot!

You might feel the Lord's presence. You might not. Either way, the Lord will hear your faintest cry. He will enter into your sorrows and questions and even your angry disappointment. Let your heart rest. Take a few slow deep breaths as you breathe in the safe place of simply being with the Lord... not trying... not doing... not pretending. Just be. Simply be. with Him.

God of Hope... we need you. Seriously. If ever the world needs who you are, the time is now. I lift up each person reading. Please blow oxygen from Heaven into their soul to give fresh strength for a new day. Please anchor souls that are tempted to throw in the towel for lesser things. Please reveal your invisible presence with them now. In Jesus' holy name... amen


The Great Unwinding


Song Bird