Hope Conversations

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temptation to worship from afar

The people of God have drifted

I was scrolling through social media this morning and noticed something sad and disturbing. "This is what God is saying to you." Those were exact words that kept repeating in various ways. Don't get me wrong. I believe our Lord speaks through human beings. We are designed to be members one of another who submit to one another in humility and with a teachable heart.

Here's the disconnect for me. What happened to the body of Christ on earth? We scroll mindlessly through posts and grab what “God is saying” to us through people we never met yet embrace the title of "friend" on social media. And many of you do not know me, the one who writes to you now. I want to stay balanced and thank you for listening.

My questioning cautious heart still asks. Do we personally know what God is saying to us as individuals? Truly. If I were to sit with you over coffee (I wish I could) and I invited you to share what God is ministering to you in this season… Could you answer?

I speak from a place of grief. a place of sorrow. We, the people of God, have drifted into a form of religion that sets aside our own relationship with the Lord. We worship from afar and latch onto what someone else says that God says.

That is not always the case. I understand. Yet worshipping from afar - at a distance - is a temptation. It’s a distraction from the quiet voice of God that calls out to know and be known. He longs to speak to each of us. in personal relationship.

It's not about trying to be spiritual with God. He could care less about our attempts to falsely impress him. What he really wants is to be with us in authentic honest heart to heart moments.

Please. I implore you. Do not socially distance from the Lord as you only hear the shouts of echos. Stay so close that you can hear his whisper in a crowded room.