Hope Conversations

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New Year’s Day 2023

Today's gift to me was having just the right amount of early morning chilly/warmth. I sat in my robe on my deck with coffee and prayer and just quiet listening. I did not hear birds because they were still asleep. The quiet spoke softly though... I thought the sky was not feeling playful because the dawn approached, and all I could see were trees touching the cloudless sky void of colors. Just when I decided to go inside and get ready for work, it happened. 😊 Somehow all the inVisible deeply pinks with a bit of orange woke up and said, Well... Good morning! So I begin 2023 in hopes that my new year will continue in like manner. In quiet rest. In peaceful conversations with the Lord. In listening to birds who are not yet singing, but I know they will before long. And by being surprised with every day ordinary gifts that appear in my horizon with reminders from Heaven that... God is here. God sees. And God cares. Happy New Year!