Hope Conversations

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Heaven Hears Your Sighs

I read a verse this morning from the book of Psalms. I paused and reminded myself to breathe, not from sorrow, but out of gratefulness to God. It doesn’t matter that it has been years since the season when this Scripture was a particular anchor of hope. Its comfort comforts me still with holy tenderness.

“I am weary with my Sighing; Every night I make my bed swim, I flood my couch with my tears.” Psalm 6:6 NAS

It sounds depressing and it was! I had struggles on every side that left me feeling hopeless and abandoned.

Yet! When I read those words from Psalm 6, something rested. Something calmed. Somehow the sighing took on a different tone. My sighing was in harmony with the sighing that Heaven recorded. I was not alone.

The season was long and dark. Cold dampness pressed against my face as tears literally soaked my pillow. Even so, Heaven was present with reminders of another person who experienced similar sorrows. The Psalmist David.

Forever in the Eternal Word of God are engrained the harsh reality that sometimes besets us as we journey through earth. It says, to me, that God is not afraid of our pain. We can go to him honestly and trust that he will not discard our heart in time of need.

Did I feel alone? Yes. Was I alone as pain escaped through tears? Yes & No. Heaven saw me even as Heaven saw the Psalmist David. I will dare take it one step further. Heaven sees You, My Reader.

Perhaps the struggles of your life are not severe. Hopefully so. On the other hand, perhaps the difficulties of your life are severe. Please know that I care. You are in my prayers.

The Psalmist David goes on to say,

“The Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.” Psalm 6:8

I will not offer a quick fix canned response to silence your sorrow. That does not work nor is it respectful of your soul. I will not pretend to know first hand what you are going through in the depths of your heart. I don’t. But This I Do Know!

You have a God who cares. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses like the Psalmist David and your loved ones who have gone ahead to their eternal reward. Heaven is watching. Heaven knows. Heaven is cheering you on!

Heaven Cares ♡ So do I