Hope Conversations

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The Day the Flood Gates Opened ✢ September 4th

Today is September 4th and Labor Day Weekend 2022. I cannot help but think of someone whose life is intricately connected to mine even though we have not personally met.

He was 10 years old when he drowned in the River Des Peres on September 4, 1961. For those who do not live in St. Louis, this "river" winds through South City and is actually a man-made sewer line with large flood gates. He was playing Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn when the flood gates opened and swept him away. His name was Timmy. He was/is my brother.

I was born on May 25, 1962 - approximately 9 months after his death.

I pause to write more because there is too much and this is not the right place. I will say this. The timing of my birth is undeniably associated with his death. I am not trying to be morbid. It's just part of my story. And I am grateful.

Today I honor the life of Timothy James Donahue whose legacy influences me to live with an eternal perspective.

Until we meet face to face, my dear brother, may you enjoy the opened flood gates of Heaven that flow with life giving waters and never ending resurrection power!
