Thoughts of an Amateur Photographer

Photo by Rachel Meirink November 2023

This is me 😊

Before I begin, I’d like to give a shout out to Mannino’s Market for hosting an old fashioned tree lot at your corner store in Cottleville, a small town surrounded by big towns. It’s a lovely place to escape the citified life a couple of miles aways. Our family walked away with a coconut cream pie and three Christmas trees 🎄🎄🎄

An extra shout out to my daughter who snapped the photo above. I had momentarily considered taking a selfie but the thought quickly vanished, for in a world of selfies, I seldom do such things. Don’t get me wrong. Selfies are great in many ways now that phones are equipped with cameras. Nonetheless, there is an art form in how to best hold and angle the phone so people look fantastic. I leave that for the young people. Having said that, I have many treasured moments I might not remember had my family and friends not taken selfies with me. I am grateful!

On the flip side of selfies (you probably suspected that might be coming) it is easy to bypass the moment we are hoping to portray. It might look great on social media, but did the moment touch your soul? (I am guilty as charged sometimes, but I am getting better.)

I make no claims to be a professional photographer, thus the word “amateur” in the title. I do enjoy capturing moments in time through photography. For me, that’s the thrill.

Dear Reader, let's be intentional about noticing the smiles or concern on faces and engaging them about it. "Look at this lovely photo of you." They might end up saying, "I look sad or scared or so happy." Try it out. It can open doors to heart conversations.

Venture out of one dimensional moments. Smell the Christmas tree that you are taking a photo of. A real tree smells different from a fake tree. Both fragrances are good to take in. Touch the prickly branches. Listen to footsteps or laughter or groans. Get a cookie or hot chocolate and taste it! See the moment with all your senses.

Zoom into raindrops on a single leaf. Watch the moon rise above the trees. Sit on a bench with morning dew (as long as you can change clothes afterwards 😄) Sit barefoot on a cold day. It's wonderful, People!!!

I am convinced beauty can always be found. My prayer is that the Lord will give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand. The Lord will help us be intentional in our pursuit of Him through simple ordinary moments in time.


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