Hope Conversations

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Unexpected Joy

Photos by Mary Catherine Meirink December 14, 2023

I laugh every time I look at these photos. Oh.my.goodness!

I was minding my own business while walking in Faust Park. Of course, this meant wondering and wandering as I walked. Such things I do. When! I saw this most lovely tree overflowing with yellow berries throughout its branches. Not red berries. Yellow berries. I had to stop extra long, just because. (If you are a fellow wondering wanderer, you get it 😀)

As soon as I stopped, I noticed the yellow berry on the left of the photos above. Ha! The creature looked so startled that it startled me. I thought, What in the world brought this expression? I had a private party imagining entertaining episodes of what might have happened. Yes, I know it was only my imagination. I totally get it, and I totally enjoy it. Try it sometime!

I walked away still pondering and enjoying the joy, so I decided to go back in case there were other such creatures wanting to say something. Lo and behold! The yellow berry creatures on the right in the photos above were nestled in the branches not far away. Ha! Once again, I am laughing. Look at those faces… oh.my.goodness!

I hope I always remember this incredible moment, when I was surprised by unexpected joy in a most unusual ordinary way.

So there you have it. This is one reason, of many, that I am an unashamed lover of simplicity and a discoverer of beauty that is always around.

My hope is that this post inspires you in such a way that you, too, are surprised today with unexpected joy!