
They lifted up their eyes at a distance and did not recognize him. Job 2:12a

Regardless of differing views on the book of Job, there is probably something we agree on. Tragedy and loss changes us.

Job was well known as a man who was blameless, feared God, walked uprightly, and turned away from evil. He was recognized by all as being blessed… until he wasn’t.

Something happened. Incessant battering of losses beat upon his soul until he was no longer recognizable. It changed him. Agonizing sorrows shred his former self.

Yet. Deep inside, Job was still Job. He praised. He doubted. He persevered. He was tempted to quit. He hoped in God. He lost hope.

Throughout the questions, the arguments, the why’s, and the how come’s that occurred between Job and his friends… God was still God. The Lord listened while silent. He helped though seemingly absent. He waited then spoke. And the Lord restored Job.

Yet. Restoration did not mean that life returned the way it was. Restoration came through newness of life in family, relationships, and provision. It was beautiful and holy and right. But it was different.

Dearest Reader, has an onslaught of difficulties caused you to be unrecognizable in comparison to your former self? Are you tempted to throw in the towel with questions and doubts as to why all this has happened? You are not alone.

The book of Job reminds us of God’s faithful presence when life does not make sense. Theological arguments about the why’s will not heal your soul. Trying to figure everything out will not fix your losses.

In the end, it was for Job… as it was in his beginning. Job’s relationship with God overrode the accusations and unexplainable traumas. God’s faithful presence, though misunderstood, intervened.

Heaven helped Job to pray & The Lord increased Job’s life until his latter days were far more blessed than his beginning.

Job was once again recognized… but in an unrecognizable way.


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Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.