Walk This Way

Have you ever gone through a long stretch of time where it seemed that all you could do was to put one foot in front of the other day after day in faith? I wrote this several years ago during such a season of concern for loved ones. I am grateful to testify that all is well there now. Looking back, though, I see the miracle was not only in answered prayers... although I am so thankful! I realize now that every step was a miracle in how God's grace empowered me to stand, to walk, to hope... and to keep going. I share this today in case there is someone who is weary of the journey. Please keep going. Keep it honest in faith. Please bring him your concerns and consider inviting a safe person to journey with you. You are in my prayers today. Mary

Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and what was happening to her. Esther 2:11

What went through Mordecai’s mind as
He walked
Back and forth
Every Day
To learn how Esther was doing

Was he tempted to worry about
Her walk with God
And what her future held

Did he trust
Her walk with God
And His good plans for her life

My guess is that
He paced back and forth with
Both questions and concerns
Hope and faith


Back and forth
He walked
In the same place
In the same way

To me, that’s where the power lies

It’s in bringing Him our worries and concerns
It’s in bringing Him our hope and faith

It’s in a Life Style of
Walking with God
Talking with God
Doing life with God

And trusting that

The One with Whom I walk
Is big enough and wise enough
To be more than enough
In All


Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.


I Come