Were You There?


I look for myself in Scriptures. That sounds ludicrous at first, but please hear me out.

I believe all accounts in the Word have something and someone I can relate to. I tend to ask myself this question when reading Scripture. Who am I, right now, in this story? Let’s take, for example, the Easter account.

  • Am I Mary, a mother, watching helplessly as a loved one agonizes in pain?

  • Am I John, tending Jesus’ mother as she grieves?

  • Am I the Centurion at the Cross, driving spikes through the hands and feet of a sinless man?

  • Am I Joseph of Arimathea, with influence and resources to provide a burial place of honor?

  • Am I a False Accuser, caught up in the moment with mob mentality?

  • Am I Simon the Cyrene, helping to carry the cross of someone stumbling?

  • Am I in the company of Women, standing at a distance and not able to provide care?

  • Am I choosing to suffer for righteousness sake rather than seeking my own pleasure and interests?

This Easter weekend, find yourself in these Scriptures: Matthew Chapters 26-28. The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord is not a mere historical happening. It’s an Eternal Covenant from the very Heart of God. It’s the greatest act of love that ever was and ever will be. And He did it with you in mind.

Whatever season or situation you are in, remember…

There Is Hope to be found in God’s Word! It is waiting just for You!


I Bring Him My Nothing


God of All Comfort