Hope Conversations

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When Earth Stands Still

We do not know what to do, Oh Lord, but our eyes are on You.

2 Chronicles 20:12

Have you ever had your whole world stand still? I have. I dare say most of the earth has experienced this with the Covid-19 virus.

Luxuries like toilet paper and hair cuts are few and far between. Basic routines of rush hour traffic and dining out are gone. Fundamental necessities of human interaction and touch are limited… and changed.

That’s what Crisis does. It shows up unexpectedly and pounds on the door of our lives. Like it or not… it keeps pounding rudely until we acknowledge that life as it was… no longer exists. It is gone. It hurts. It is shocking and numbing and disruptive. It stinks. It just flat… stinks.

Yet, here we are. It is what it is. So what do we do when we cannot do what we used to do? That’s a huge question that I tread carefully upon. It’s attached to human hearts so forgive me in advance if I say something stupid in my attempt to help.

One suggestion I have learned from The School of Hard Knocks is this. Do what you can still do. That takes intentional effort to locate what still lives among the ashes. It can be done though.

Consider flipping what you cannot do. When you cannot go to your place of employment, consider waking at your normal time and working at home or in the yard. When you cannot drive to work in rush hour traffic, maybe take a walk through your neighborhood or a park.

Please understand. The last thing I want to do is to make lightly of difficulty when this struggle is deep and real for many of us. I am simply offering one small thing that has helped me in such times.

When My Earth Stands Still… when life gets interrupted… when I am robbed of former options… I Stand Still… I survey the damage done. And I look for what remains.

My ultimate Can Do place is to get gut honest real with God about the things I cannot do. Then I look at Him. I look at His goodness. His faithfulness. His never changing character. He is love. He cares.

In this place of looking to Him, I find that He expands my thoughts and helps me discover options that I could not see.

When My Earth Stands Still

He remains
My ever present help