When Hurricane Winds Assail


Things might get interesting in the days ahead. Please keep this in mind. It is not time to scramble to build a new foundation in your home during hurricane winds. That’s the time to strengthen what remains.

When (not if) crisis comes, the temptation is to grasp for what we do not have. It might come in the form of panic that tries to force instant faith down the throats of ourselves or those we love.

Don’t get me wrong. It is Always good to build faith. But true faith is accompanied by rest.

How do we find peace during the storms of life? Here’s something that helps me. I get still. When my soul is shaking and my legs feel like rubber, I look for my rock (my sure foundation). I ask myself this question. What do I know that I know that I know is true? If ever there’s a time to get gut honest real, this is such a time.

For me, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He is a Good God. His unchanging character holds me steady. For others, they put their weight on the fact that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He cares. He is faithful.

If you belong to Christ, He is your ultimate rock. Let Him hold you. Let Him carry you. Let Him comfort you.

Eyes on Jesus, everyone. Eyes on Him.


Fly Me to The Moon


Dying of Aids