When You Cannot Pray

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

The Unspoken Yet Heard

Have you ever had a time when you could not pray? Not because you didn’t want to. But because the pain was so striking that all had gone numb. I have

I remember one such time in particular. Even now I sit and think and look for words. There are not many… yet there are. They are the unspoken

Yet heard

I sat. For over two hours. I sat. “Praying” All the while “Saying Nothing”

Yet heard

I mustered enough strength to whisper two words. Two hours of “Saying Nothing” said all that I had been saying… without saying. Yet heard

Carry me

And He did. And He does. And He will.

He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

Isaiah 40:11


If Only They Had Listened


Collecting Galaxies