At the end of yourself

Photo by Mary Catherine Meirink February 2022

There is a rather indescribable place that our humanity goes to when we hit the wall. Life can be crazy as wounds appear that are; self-inflicted, other-inflicted, or just evil-inflicted with no natural explanation. We stand face to face with the reality that, in and of ourselves, we do not have what it takes to overcome the onslaught of sorrow in our soul.

I, too, have faced such times. Yet! Here we our. Still standing. Still hoping. Still breathing. Thank God

What if such a place is actually holy? I am not suggesting that what you went through was God’s will. What I am inviting you to consider is this. What if this despair ends up being a place where your life transforms into something new? Is it okay to say, This is bigger than me, but it is not bigger than God. Is it okay to admit your natural strength is exhausted?

What if you allow yourself the luxury to sit. to relax. and just be. In the quietness you might find a strength that refreshes your heart to stand taller and lift your head with hope that… God is with you. even in this place.

I share notes below that I wrote in such a time. May God who helped - and helps me still - be with you today.

Mary ♡

I came

to the end

of myself

and found that


was there




The Day Billy Graham Moved to Heaven


Un/Known Legacy