The Day Billy Graham Moved to Heaven

I came across my old blog post from the day Billy Graham moved to Heaven. I am reposting here to honor this dear man of God whose ministry lives on in the earth.

Billy Graham moved to Heaven today Wednesday, February 21, 2018.

The internet is flooded with pictures of Reverend Graham preaching at mass crusades and standing with world leaders. We rightfully honor these moments when countless lives were touched.

Countless to man, that is. Yet God still calls each person by name. He still has tears stored in bottles that individuals shed at altar calls while the familiar song rang and echoes throughout eternity…

Just as I am without one plea but that thy Blood was shed for me. And that thou bidst me come to thee. Oh Lamb of God I come. I come.

Were you one of those who went forward to pray? Did you sing in the choir like my friend, Barb? Did you carry a Bible to share with people at the altar call? Or were you like me, who watched crusade after crusade as a child on our small black and white television in the late sixties and early seventies?

Our stories are different, but chances are that you also are one of the countless impacted by Reverend Graham. Why do I think that? You are still reading my words. At the very least you are curious. 

Wherever you are at on this historical day when one of our “greats” moved to Heaven, know that you are every bit as loved and wanted in Heaven as Billy Graham. He did not get a fast track or special ticket. He got there the same way we all do. We receive the free gift of salvation that comes through Jesus’ work on the cross. We cannot earn it. We certainly do not deserve it. Yet God freely offers it to all.

In honor of Billy Graham’s life, I invite you to offer this simple prayer with me.

Lord, Jesus, I need you. I know you died on the cross for me. That’s good, because we both know that I have sinned. I also believe that you rose from the dead. You are alive. You are listening to me now. And most of all, you care. I do not understand that totally. But you truly do care about me. So… I receive my free present of salvation. Have at it, Lord. Please, come live inside me. Change me. Help me. My heart is yours. Forever… Amen

I end with a few words from Billy Graham himself. May they comfort you as God calls you by name and speaks to you now…

God is unchanging in His love. He loves YOU. He has a plan for Your life. Don’t let the newspaper headlines frighten you. God is sovereign; He’s still on the throne.
— Reverend Billy Graham

There is Hope for You,



I Come


At the end of yourself