Beware the Talking Parrot


We had a parrot growing up who could talk like crazy. If you said it, Doc would say it. Eventually. Normally Doc would fly around the house as a member of the family. At times he would actually stay inside his cage where he would talk to his friend in the mirror. And he would listen. a Lot

Somebody, not Me, got the bright idea to stick Doc’s cage next to the bathroom. It all seemed fine until…

We began hearing the toilet flush in odd places throughout the house. Be it the living room or bedrooms or kitchen, we began hearing the whoosh of water. Even when no one was in the bathroom! It was like, The Ghost of Flushes Past.

We eventually put two and two together. The sound of toilet flushes just happened to be wherever Doc was in that moment. He sounded just like the toilet! It made for very interesting conversations when people came to visit.

Moral of the story

One: Never put a talking parrot’s cage next to the bathroom.

Two: Be careful how you listen lest you start sounding like a toilet.

Pay attention to how you hear… Luke 8:18 NLT


Places That Run Deeply


I will strike the match!