Places That Run Deeply

I had a conversation with my heart this morning. What is it about the subject of forgiveness? It often incites pain that causes us to turn away from discussing it. I have no desire to be disrespectful or irreverent when I say, the word "forgiveness" is oftentimes a buzz word that has become mere chatter. I'm forgiven. I forgave. You need to forgive. I agree. It ought be everywhere at all times for all humanity. Yet, there are places that run so deeply in the hearts of people, that it might be best if we stop. and listen. Not judge. just Listen. to Hearts. and Stories. What if we dared to gaze into forgiveness with fresh eyes? What if we dared to turn towards it instead of turning away from it? What if we were safe places for people to wrestle with the need to receive forgiveness and the need to extend forgiveness? What if the conversation of forgiveness could occur without a pointed finger from the land of Shame On You? What if we really believed that forgiveness is liberating? What if we believed it so much, that we graciously meet people in this place. this holy place. at the Cross. What if?

Repost from February 27, 2022


I Wonder


Beware the Talking Parrot