Bluebirds in My Mailbox

You’re not even going to believe this, but I have baby blue birds inside my mailbox! Be still my heart. Nahhhh… Go ahead and enjoy it. Rejoice! Be happy! I have baby blue birds nested inside MY mailbox. They hide when they see me take a peak. That’s okay! I still get plenty of glimpses at their bald heads just starting to get peach fuzz. Their mouths are so big that I can easily imagine them eating worms. Yuk. I will not Even imagine what that tastes like, though, as slimy worms wiggle their way down into their baby blue bird bellies…. Ewww!!! I am glad for the baby blue birds, though, that they enjoy such things.

I’ve been on my front porch enJoying early morning coffee with Half n Half. However, the main thing I drank in today were the sounds of baby blue birds chattering inside MY mailbox! Oh my goodness! Their chatters are so loud and fast that they sound more like an old school typewriter at 100 plus words per minute. They are awake and hungry and seemingly very happy to be alive.

What a gift to have started my day by waiting and listening for the goodness of God. Wow, oh wow, did He respond! He awakened my soul by causing me to hear nested baby blue birds singing… Songs of Joy. Songs of New Life. Songs of Living Hope. I waited quietly and trusted Him to help me recognize His Presence. It turns out that, HE was The One Waiting in eagerness to reveal His Presence to Me!

His Presence appeared through the JOY that filled my heart as I drank in the early morning chatters of baby blue birds within my mailbox… and now within my soul.

“Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.” Psalm 83:3


Happy 4th of July


Time to Tune