Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

Today I celebrate with fireworks, BBQ, and family.

I do not claim to be a historian but this is my understanding of what happened. It was actually July 2nd and not July 4th when the Continental Congress voted and declared independence from Britain. Something significant, however, did happen on the 4th. That’s when the Founding Fathers came into agreement on the final wording of The Declaration of Independence. It went to print on July 6, 1776.

The Founding Fathers agonized with desperate attempts to agree on all the wording. They surely sweat from summer heat and pressure to secure a strong foundation. In spite of good intentions and hard work, honest disagreement brought them to an impasse that seemed impossible to bridge. They did not know what to do, so they paused in their labor and asked Heaven to intervene. God answered by helping them find words where, finally, all agreed. They would sign their names knowing full well it would cost them their lives. It was a price that were willing to pay… for us.

This is the final line of that document:

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Thank God they wrestled honestly and with purpose. It was too important to pretend, so they agreed to disagree. Eventually, they landed where they could agree. The Founding Fathers did the tough work of walking in love by striving together for the common good. It required dedication to each other, a commitment to share whatever each one had to offer, and a vow to honor all.  It took reliance on God for His divine protection. 

They came into what I call, The Power of Agreement. I was not there in 1776, but I get what it’s like to seek agreement with another… when I disagree. Sometimes there are heated arguments with sweat rolling down my face. Other times there are hopeful comments that rekindle passionate purpose. And like our Founding Fathers, I eventually come to the place where I acknowledge my need for Heaven’s intervention. Thank God. Heaven hears and Heaven helps. This is when love prevails and authentic agreement occurs.

I encourage you to celebrate today with more than sparklers and BBQ. Find ways to agree with another... when you disagree. That’s where the real fireworks happen.

Happy Independence Day!




She always comes


Bluebirds in My Mailbox