Hope Conversations

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Collecting Galaxies

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

I am Dreaming

If I could dream the biggest dream and have anything impossible, what would it be? Such a question requires outrageous out of the box thinking. So I stretch. My mind says to stay small and possible. My heart says, Go for it. So I do.

If I could dream the biggest dream and have anything impossible, I would… Collect galaxies in a jar and study them for pleasure.

I laughed out loud at such a thought! How wondrously preposterous that would be.

So I dare to ask myself another question.

If I could dream this biggest dream and reduce it down down down to the smallest possible way, how would I do it? My mind says it’s impossible. My heart says, Go for it. So I do.

If I could dream this biggest dream and reduce it down down down to the smallest possible way, I would… Hold my jar full of galaxies as a telescope and gaze intently while I study them for pleasure.

Imagine that 🥰 It can be done. Wow!

My heart is glad!

Dream Big. Dream Small. Let them collide together. Pleasure awaits.